Belly of the Beast
Discussion guide for clinicians-in-training
Discussion guide for clinicians-in-training
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The provided text is a discussion guide for the film "Belly of the Beast." This guide is intended for clinicians and clinicians-in-training, but can be used by any viewer. The guide includes discussion questions related to the themes of the film. The first question explores the concept of "stratified reproduction" and how it is depicted in the film, as well as its potential presence in clinical settings. The second question addresses systems of oppression and biases that contribute to the abuses shown in the film, and asks viewers to reflect on similar experiences they may have witnessed. The third question prompts viewers to consider their institution's relationship with the carceral system and any policies regarding incarcerated individuals. The fourth question compares the practices of the clinicians in the film with those seen in the viewer's own institution. The fifth question asks viewers to reflect on their personal reactions to the film. Lastly, the sixth question encourages viewers to evaluate the practices, policies, and habits within their own institution and how the film may prompt changes, and raises the question of who should be involved in implementing those changes.
Belly of the Beast
discussion guide
stratified reproduction
carceral system
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