Fellowship site resources
This resource library contains webinars, files, links, and information for Complex Family Planning Fellowship Directors and coordinators.
Run time: 2.5 hours
Air date: June 22, 2020-November 9, 2021
Image For Activity Cover
Credit Offered
No Credit Offered
Contains (20)
ERAS webinar - May 6, 2021
ERAS webinar - Nov 9, 2021
NRMP webinar (June 22, 2020)
Subspecialty-related organizations
PEC CCC slides_generic for SFP
Fellowship site fundraising slides and talking point
Fellowship Director and coordinator professional development opportunities
Example block diagram schedule
Evaluation of faculty template
ACGME site visit tip sheet
Partner resource spreadsheet
Onboarding materials for new CFP sites and Program Directors
ERAS handout
CFP leadership slide deck_unbranded
Example block diagram schedule - UCSF
Guidance regarding the decisions in Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) decisions
CFP leadership handout_unbranded
Example block diagram - University of Michigan
Emory CFP Fellowship funding proposal
Resources and informational webinars for Complex Family Planning Fellowship Directors and coordinators. 
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